
Theme 1. Recycling nitrogen compounds in gas phase to ammonia resource

①Ultra-selective NO adsorption materials for NTA using metal species-derived electrostatic field in hydrophilic/hydrophobic nanospace, The University of Tokyo

  • ogura_masaru
    Masaru Ogura,
    Institute of Industrial Science
  • YASUMURA Shunsaku
    Shunsaku Yasumura,
    Assistant Professor,
    Institute of Industrial Science
  • Takeshi Ohnishi
    Takeshi Ohnishi,
    Senior Technical Specialist,
    Institute of Industrial Science

②Precise design of nanospaces with making full use of the synthetic technolody for porous oxides for providing NOx storage field for a NTA reaction, AIST

  • Tatsuo Kimura
    Tatsuo Kimura,
    Group Leader,
    Innovative Functional Materials Research Institute
    Group HP
  • Atsuko Tomita
    Atsuko Tomita,
    Senior Researcher,
    Innovative Functional Materials Research Institute
  • Ryutaro Wakabayashi
    Ryutaro Wakabayashi,
    Senior Researcher,
    Innovative Functional Materials Research Institute

③Development of active HC- and H2-NTA catalysts in the absence of oxygen at low temperature, AIST

  • Yuichi Manaka
    Yuichi Manaka,
    Team Leader of Hydrogen Energy Team,
    Renewable Energy Research Center
    Group HP
  • Tetsuya Nanba
    Tetsuya Nanba,
    Deputy Director of Renewable Energy Research Center,
    Renewable Energy Research Center
    Group HP
  • Chandan
    Chaudhari Chandan Subhash,
    Senior Researcher,
    Renewable Energy Research Center
    Group HP
  • Taku Tsujimura
    Taku Tsujimura,
    Deputy Director of Renewable Energy Research Center,
    Renewable Energy Research Center[Attached to Research Team]

④Development of active HC- and H2-NTA catalysts in the presece of oxygen, Waseda University

  • Masakazu Iwamoto
    Masakazu Iwamoto,
    Visiting researcher,
    Research Institute for Science and Engineering
  • Kasumi Kitazume
    Kasumi Kitazume,
    Research assistant,
    Research Institute for Science and Engineering

⑤Development of NH3 adsorption and resource recovery process after NTA conversion, AIST

  • 南公隆
    Kimitaka Minami,
    Senior Researcher,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute
  • 川本徹
    Tohru Kawamoto,
    Prime Senior Researcher,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute
    Group HPORCID
  • 臼田初穂
    Hatsuho Usuda,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute
    Personal HP
  • 高橋顕
    Akira Takahashi,
    Senior Researcher,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute
  • 大曲仁美
    Hitomi Ohmagari,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute

⑥Synthesis and evaluation of unified system of NO adsorption / desorption process and NTA reaction process, Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • 松本秀行
    Hideyuki Matsumoto,
    Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology
  • 多湖輝興
    Teruoki Tago,
    Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology
  • 藤墳大裕
    Hiroyasu Fujitsuka,
    Visiting Assistant Professor,
    Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology

Theme 2. Recycling nitrogen compounds in wastewater to ammonia resource

Theme 2-1. R&D on microbial conversion of nitrogen compounds to ammonia

⑧Development of operation management based on microbial community control, AIST

  • 堀知行
    Tomoyuki Hori,
    Chief Senior Researcher,
    Environmental Management Research Institute
  • 愛澤秀信
    Hidenobu Aizawa,
    Group Leader,
    Environmental Management Research Institute
    Group HP
  • 稲葉知大
    Tomohiro Inaba,
    Senior Researcher,
    Environmental Management Research Institute
  • 青柳智
    Tomo Aoyagi,
    Senior Researcher,
    Environmental Management Research Institute

⑨Investigating an operation strategy by control on nitrogen dynamics for stable microaerophilic NH4+ conversion, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

  • 寺田昭彦
    Akihiko Terada,
    Institute of Engineering
  • 利谷翔平
    Shohei Riya,
    Associate Professor,
    Institute of Engineering
    Group HP
  • 黒岩恵
    Megumi Kuroiwa,
    Assistant Professor,
    Institute of Engineering
    Group HP

⑩Energy and material balance evaluation and N2O emission mitigation strategy development (Kyoto Univ.), Kyoto University

  • 藤原拓
    Taku Fujiwara,
    Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
  • 中西智宏
    Tomohiro Nakanishi,
    Assistant Professor,
    Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
  • 西村文武
    Fumitake Nishimura,
    Associate Professor,
    Research Center for Environmental Quality Management, Graduate School of Engineering
  • 日高平
    Taira Hidaka,
    Junior Associate Professor,
    Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
  • 周心怡
    Xinyi Zhou,
    Project-Specific Researcher,
    Department of Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering

⑪Bench scale process design of microaerobic conversion from nitrogen compounds to NH4+, Kirin Holdings Company, Limited

  • Hidehiro Sugiura
    Hidehiro Sugiura,
    Technical Research Laboratories
    Company HP
  • 籾内研吾
    Kengo Momiuchi,
    Technical Research Laboratories
    Company HP

⑫Development of technologies for effective bioaugmentaion of ammonia-tolerant microbial community for improving AnMBR (Anaerobic Membrane Bio-Reactor) performance, Osaka University

  • Michihiko Ike
    Michihiko Ike,
    Graduate School of Engineering
    Group HP
  • Daisuke Inoue
    Daisuke Inoue,
    Associate Professor,
    Graduate School of Engineering
    Group HP
  • Luong Van DUC
    Luong Van DUC,
    Specially-Appointed Researcher,
    Graduate School of Engineering
    Group HP

⑬Construction of highly NH4+-tolerant microbial consortia, Hiroshima University

  • Takahisa Tajima
    Takahisa Tajima,
    Associate Professor,
    Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life
    Laboratory HP

⑭Establishment of efficient AnMBR operating methods, Kobe University

  • 井原一高
    Ikko Ihara,
    Graduate School of Agricultural Science
    Group HP
  • 吉田弦
    Gen Yoshida,
    Assistant Professor,
    Graduate School of Agricultural Science
    Group HP
Theme 2-2. R&D on ammonia recycling by separation and concentration

⑮Development and evaluation of ammonia concentration process by membrane separation, Kobe University

  • 松山秀人
    Hideto Matsuyama,
    Professor, Director,
    Research Center for Membrane and Film Technology
    Matsuyama Lab website
  • 吉岡朋久
    Tomohisa Yoshioka,
    Research Center for Membrane and Film Technology
  • 松岡淳
    Atsushi Matsuoka,
    Assistant Professor,
    Research Center for Membrane and Film Technology
  • Zhan Li
    Zhan Li,
    Assistant Professor,
    Research Center for Membrane and Film Technology
  • 中川敬三
    Keizo Nakagawa,
    Associate Professor,
    Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation
  • 熊谷和夫
    Kazuo Kumagai,
    Research Center for Membrane and Film Technology
  • 長谷川進
    Susumu Hasegawa,
    Academic Researcher,
    Graduate School of Engineering
  • Zhaohuan Mai
    Zhaohuan Mai,
    Assistant Professor,
    Research Center for Membrane and Film Technology

⑯ Structure optimization and modulization of hollow fiber FO membrane, TOYOBO MC Corporation

  • 杉浦勉
    Sugiura Tsutomu,
    General Manager,
    Environmental Solutions R&D Section
  • 安川政宏
    Masahiro Yasukawa,
    Water Treatment Membrane Basic R&D Group, Environmental Solutions R&D Section
  • 合田昌平
    Shohei Goda,
    Water Treatment Membrane Basic R&D Group, Environmental Solutions R&D Section

⑰Development of FO membrane using zeolite for high temperature industrial wastewater, Waseda University

  • Masahiko Matsukata
    Masahiko Matsukata,
    Department of Applied Chemistry
    Home Page
  • Motomu Sakai
    Motomu Sakai,
    Assistant Professor,
    Research Organization for Nano & Life Innovation
    Home Page

⑱Recovery process of ammonium ions from wastewater by ion exchange membranes, Yamaguchi University

  • Mitsuru Higa
    Mitsuru Higa,
    Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation
    Higa Lab HP
  • 杉本悠
    Yu Sugimoto,
    Assistant Teacher,
    Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation
    Higa Lab HP

⑲Design of ion exchange membrane and the commercial module, Astom corporation

  • Shoichi Doi
    Shoichi Doi,
    Corporate Planning Section,
    Corporate Management Division
    Astom HP

⑳System analysis and module design in membrane distillation, Hiroshima University

㉑R&D of adsorbent for ammonium and the recovery process, AIST

  • 田中寿
    Hisashi Tanaka,
    Group Leader,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute
  • 川本徹
    Tohru Kawamoto,
    Prime Senior Researcher,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute
    Group HPORCID
  • Parajuli Durga
    Parajuli Durga,
    Senior Researcher,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute
  • 首藤雄大
    Yuta Shudo,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute
  • 大曲仁美
    Hitomi Ohmagari,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute

㉒Research and development of ammonia-adsobent from wastewater using complexation reaction, The University of Tokyo

  • Teppei Yamada
    Teppei Yamada,
    Graduate School of Science
    Lab website
  • 石川信行
    Nobuyuki Ishikawa,
    Project Academic Specialist,
    Graduate School of Science
    Lab website

㉓Evaluation and Development of implementation of NH4+ recycling process utilizing NH4+ adsorbent in wastewater, FUSO Corporation

  • 西橋健
    Ken Nishibashi,
    R&D Center, R&D Department
    Company website
  • 田中聡
    Satoshi Tanaka,
    General Manager,
    Digital Solution Division
  • 須﨑岐嗣
    Takashi Suzaki,
    Division Manager,
    R&D Center, R&D Department
  • 山田登志夫
    Toshio Yamada,
    Section Chief,
    R&D Center, Water Analysis Department
  • 外本脩貴
    Shuki Sotomoto,
    R&D Center, R&D Department
  • 野村充伸
    Mitsunobu Nomura,
    Director of the Center,
    R&D Center

㉔Evaluation of nitrogen compound separation processes in aqueous phase using membrane and adsorption techniques, Nagoya University

  • Keigo MATSUDA
    Keigo MATSUDA,
    Department of Complex Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics

Theme 3. Synthesis and evaluation of process technologies for recycling nitrogen compounds

㉕Whole design for practical use of nitrogen resource recycling, AIST

  • 川本徹
    Tohru Kawamoto,
    Prime Senior Researcher,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute
    Group HPORCID
  • 本田卓
    Takashi Honda,
    Intellectual Property Producer,
    Nanomaterials Research Institute

㉖Environmental Impact Assessment of Nitrogen Cycling Technology, AIST

  • 井上和也
    Kazuya Inoue,
    Group Leader,
    Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability
    Group HP
  • 恒見清孝
    Kiyotaka Tsunemi,
    Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability
    Group HP
  • 塚原建一郎
    Kenichiro Tsukahara,
    Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability
    Group HP
  • 玄地裕
    Yutaka Genchi,
    Assistant Director General,
    Department of Energy and Environment
  • 田原聖隆
    Kiyotaka Tahara,
    Principal Research Manager/Director, laboratory,
    Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability
    Research laboratory for IDEA
  • 林彬勒
    Lin Bin-Le,
    Chief Senior Researcher,
    Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability
    Group HP
  • 秦寛夫
    Hiroo Hata,
    Senior Researcher,
    Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability
    Environmental Exposure Modeling Group
  • 一杉佑貴
    Yuki Ichisugi,
    Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability
  • Vazquez Santiago Jairo
    Vazquez Santiago Jairo,
    Postdoctoral Researcher,
    Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability
    Group HP

㉗Study on data management of nitrogen cycle technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • 松本秀行
    Hideyuki Matsumoto,
    Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology
  • 多湖輝興
    Teruoki Tago,
    Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology
  • Keigo MATSUDA
    Keigo MATSUDA,
    Nagoya University
    Department of Complex Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics